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August 1918 Registrants

List of Registrants August 24, 1918. FolIowing is the list of men who became of age since June 5th and were registered on August 24th for military duty:

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The list as prepared follows in order of call.

Baker, Leo J.Cresco, Iowa
Bent, Lawrene A.Chester, Iowa
Capeman, Willis M. Lime Springs, la
Conway, Harry LoyldElma, Iowa
Fitzgerald, John J.Elma, Iowa
Fogle, GeorgeRiceville, Iowa
Frahm, EarnestElma, Iowa
Grant, Alsie R.Decorah, Iowa
Heng, ClarenceLime Springs, Iowa
Hosek, Frank J.Cresco, Iowa
House, Neil CadwellCresco, Iowa
Hovorka, Lewis Henry Cresco, Iowa
Hughes, George T. Lime Springs, la
Hyke, Adolph A.Elma, Iowa
Johnson, Andrew J.Elma, Iowa
Johnson, Loren WilliamLime Spgs, la
Jones, Marvin R.Chester, Iowa
Kramer, Irwin LewisLeRoy, Minn
Kubicek, George Y.Elma Iowa
Laue, Richard CElma, Iowa
McGrane, Luverne J.Elma, Iowa
Mealy, Robert A.Elma, Iowa
Minkel, Rudolph H.Lime Springs, Ia
Opat, John J.Elma, Iowa
Pesek, Carl EmilCresco, Iowa
Reynolds, Hobert G.Lime Springs, la
Roche, Edwin ClarenceElma, Iowa
Schoeberl, Frank S.Cresco, Iowa
Short, Roy J. Cresco, Iowa
Steinmetz, John J.Cresco, Iowa
Vit, James WilliamCresco, Iowa
Wells, George A.Chester, Iowa
Wenthold, Clement H.Cresco, Iowa

The list of Registrants was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This List was published in the
Cresco Plain Dealer Sept. 6, 1918, P-FP, C-3, 4